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Blogs from October, 2018

Termites chewing wood trim

Termites are feared for their ravenous appetite to eat wood from the inside out and, in the process, cause some serious damage to your home and other prized belongings. Termites work slowly but steadily and go undetected unless you know what signs to look for that are indicators of a termite infestation. If you plan to get a termite inspection done in San Antonio, here are the 5 most common signs exterminators will check for during the inspection process:

Evidence of swarmer’s: The U.S. is home to three varieties of termites, of which the subterranean ones are the most widespread. After a specific duration of time, these termite colonies start producing sexually mature adults who fly off to start their nests. If the exterminators find swarms of these winged insects, chances are you have a full-blown termite colony in the vicinity of your home.

Mud tubes: To protect themselves from dehydration and to navigate obstacles that hinder their free movement, termites build mud tubes, also referred to as shelter tubes. These tubes, about the thickness of a drinking straw, provide termites with humidity and safeguard them from predators.

Presence of mud in construction joints: Termites are fastidious builders and would go to great lengths to make themselves comfortable, especially again external weather elements. If you notice mud crammed into small holes or cracks in your sheetrock or concrete, or construction joints, you could be facing an active termite infestation situation.

Presence of wood around your house: Although not a definitive indicator of an infestation, checking for wood lying around your house will definitely be on an exterminator’s checklist. Winter firewood stocked in your backyard is an invitation for termites, as are fallen tree branches. Removing deadwood and storing winter firewood above the ground will discourage termites.

Wood damage: Because termites feast on wood, any wood damage could point to possible signs of an infestation. Our experienced termite exterminators can detect the presence of termites by tapping on a wooden surface. If a tap produces a somewhat flat or low sound, it is indicative that a beam of wood is hollower on the inside, possibly due to termite damage. If the infestation is in the advanced stages, exterminators will notice long, parallel grooves in the wood, and this is a definitive indication of termite damage as opposed to damage caused due to wet rot.

These are some of the things that point to signs of a possible termite infestation that our experienced termite exterminators will look for during a termite inspection in San Antonio.