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Blogs from March, 2022

termites and alates swarmers crawling in wood wall

Although an essential part of our ecosystem, termites can be a real problem if not detected in time. The survival of these insects depends on moist, soggy, decayed, or dead wood and plants, which, as they feed on it, weaken in their structure, causing them to break.

While they are instrumental in running nature’s growth cycle, termites can become dangerous to us when they start invading property and damaging the wooden structures that make up our homes and our places of work. As soon as they get hold of a patch of damp or decaying wood, they are bound to multiply in no time leading to swarms that are difficult to wipe out. 

In the US, except for Alaska, all other states experience termite invasions in some part of the year. Studies by the Termite Infestation Probability Zones (TIP zones) show that the state of Texas experiences a high probability of termite activity on a broad scale, causing significant damage every year. 

To eradicate termite swarms, you need preventive, regular, and effective extermination treatments. If you live in Texas, it is wise to arrange a termite control plan with Accurate Pest Control’s pest control service in San Antonio, TX before the onset of the termite season.

Read this article to find out when is the right time to call in the experts.

When do termites swarm in Texas?

Termite invasions are most likely to occur in warm weather. The combination of heat and rain is also very conducive to attracting swarms of termites. Given the warm climate experienced in Texas, the termite season starts early in the springtime, spanning all through summer. 

There are about four principal types of termite species. While most are active in warmer climates, some termite swarms thrive even during winters, in the warm or well-heated interiors of homes, offices, barns, etc. It is pretty common to find thriving termite colonies from cold Februaries to dry Novembers that mark the end of fall. Regardless of their type, most of them can cause extensive damage to property.

A quick look at these primary termite species will help you spot them faster and take the necessary action at the right time.

To begin with, there are the Eastern Subterranean Termites spread across the country. They have enormous colonies and feed on any soft and moist wood. It has been observed that these termites usually swarm in the morning from February to May. Formosan Termites thrive in wall voids and have large colonies that build nests that are very hard to find. Drywood termites, on the other hand, and, as the name suggests, thrive in arid zones. These represent the flying termite species. Drywood and Formosan termites swarm primarily at night during springtime. Another species worth knowing is the Desert termite, and fortunately, this kind does not damage property, but they are most commonly found in the outer and rural areas and tend to feed on weeds, hay, and turf.

To address the menace of termite infestation, especially in Texas, it is crucial to take preventive measures with the help of effective and local termite control in San Antonio, TX. Our expert exterminators at Accurate Pest Control, San Antonio, Texas, will conduct a thorough investigation; identify the type of termites and the source of the infestation to provide personalized treatments and solutions.

For more information, contact us today!